Art Gallery Cube Puzzle

  How to play

1.Basic Play

Goto Japanese Site

1) Select the stage and number of cubes by selecting the previous/next buttons or the stage selection list.

2) Pressing the Scramble button will cause the cube to crumble and a 15 second inspection time countdown will begin.

3) Observe the cube with an inspection time of 15 seconds.

4) Click the touch pad on the cube to rotate the cube and align 6 sides. (solve)

 (The cube rotates in the direction where the touchpad is pressed.)

5) When all six sides of the cube are aligned, a fanfare will sound and the background color will change to pink.

6) Press the ▷ button to the right of the Scramble button to move to the next stage.

 (Press the ◁ button to return to the previous stage.)

  If there is no fanfare even though it looks like you have all 6 sides, you can click the Find Differences icon to make the missing cubes glow red.

2.List selection of stages

1) Click the stage selection list icon at the bottom right of the screen to display the stage selection list.

2) Click the button in the stage selection list that shows the stage you want to play and the number of cubes.

  About the button color of the stage selection list

    Pink: Replayable (completed)

    Light gray: playable (no completion record)

    Dark gray: Unplayable (Playable after completing the previous stage)

3) If you want to clear the stage selection list, click the stage selection list icon at the bottom right of the screen again.


1) Click the setting icon on the upper right of the screen on the cube screen to open the setting screen

2) After changing the settings, click the save icon in the lower left to save the contents

 (If you want to undo the settings, click the undo icon at the bottom left)


    BGM Sound          ON/OFF of music being played.

    Start/Complete Sound   ON/OFF of countdown at the start and fanfare sound at the end.

    Click Sound        ON/OFF of the sound when the cube rotates.

    Click Vibration       Vibration ON/OFF during cube rotation.

    Inspection Time      Presence or absence of inspection time of 15 seconds.

    Find Difference        Whether or not to display the error search icon.

    Tap Navigation       Whether or not to display a tap icon prompting the next operation.

    Touch Pad Visualization   Touchpad color depth. (0.0 to 1.0)

    Number of Original Stages  Number of original stages (0-10)

    Erase All History      Erase records such as completion results, time, etc.

3) To return to the cube screen, click the < (back) icon at the top left of the screen.

4.Create original stage

1) In the original stage, an image upload icon is displayed at the bottom left of the cube screen, so click it to move to the image upload screen.

2) When you click the upload icon for each side of the cube on the image upload screen, the photo in the photo album will be displayed.

 The image is cut out so that the center of the long side is aligned with the short side to form a square.

3) If you want to delete an image, click the trash can icon on that side

4) To return to the cube screen, click the < (back) icon at the top left of the screen.

5.Show Hints

Click the "?" icon at the top right of the screen to display hints (explanation of icons, etc.)

Hint idcons description

 Cube Rotation   Clicking on the cube touchpad rotates the cube.

 Rotation      Drag the screen up, down, left, or right to rotate the entire cube.

 Zoom       Pinch the screen with two fingers to expand/shrink the cube.

 Reset       Double-tap the screen to reset rotation and zoom.

 Upload      Move to the original cube image upload screen.

 Difference     Make the cubes that are not aligned glow red.

 Save        Save the current cube position. (for each stage and number of cubes)

 Load       Load saved cube position.

 Delete      Delete saved cube position data.

 Scramble     Show/hide scramble button.

 List       Show/clear the stage selection list.